Mindpulley is an online assessment and testing platform to measure, analyze and improve people skills. It is ideal for companies who want to run multi-competency assessments for their prospective hires or existing employees. We focus deeply on the science of assessments and combine it with advanced technology to deliver highly valid and reliable tests..
Customize certificates the way you like – include a logo, organization name, and other essentials that you would like a candidate to see on the certificate. The entire certificate app interface can infact be customized to align its look and feel with that of your branding collateral. Provide certificates to candidates in real-time upon successful completion of the test
Every aspect of the test construction is customizable so you can have a mix of questions from Mindpulley’s Question Banks as well as your own, include questions with varying difficulty levels, randomize question order across tests, set time limits for sections within a test, and more.
Pre-register candidates, manage candidate banks for sending bulk invitations, create schedules for different assessments, and schedule a candidate to take a test whenever you want.
Our team of usability, Information architects and branding experts knows exactly what is required to make the user move ahead in the conversion funnel.
Skills evaluators to gather learning needs of an employee. Options to choose from list of innovative tests like Communication Skills Evaluator, Excel Skills Evaluator, Case Studies Skills Evaluator, and Coding Skills Evaluator
Mindpulley solutions for post-hires comprises of online tests for measuring learning needs and assessing training effectiveness. This solution will help coaches, trainers, or any person related to training and development of an organization to determine key performance areas, define key results areas, assess training needs and gauge leadership traits for promotion or lateral move of an employee. Skills simulation exercises can be used to train employees on multiple skills, right from technical skills to communication skills and manager skills. Also, adding a personality test helps to identify attitude and interest level of the employee to perform a specific job. Through controlled and customized online tests, trainers can measure learning needs of an employee; while actionable reports provide measurable insights into his performance. With these features in the kitty, trainers can then create effective and engaging training sessions.
Assessment MathodMindpulley online testing platform is perfect for holding practice sessions for students or employees using mock tests or custom online test creation feature. Practice tests can help students or employees prepare better for an exam or certification. A detailed test report is generated in real time for consideration of the trainers which can provide valuable insights into the performance growth of an employee or a student. For advanced courses which requires testing of specialized skills (technical, verbal, practical) Mindpulley skill simulation feature can be used. Trainers can also take advantage of these features to identify training needs of a student or an employee, and then create performance improvement plans accordingly. High Stakes testing environment can be created for the final certification or examination. Mindpulley â?? platform is configurable to meet any organizationâ??s training and assessment needs, and organizations can also apply their own custom branding to it.
Assessment Mathod